Move. Win. Never Stop.

"Cape Soul Food"
Once upon a time, two laarnies and a lady had a dream.
The Team DNA vision is to create a space that all three of us yearned for yet could not find. We set out to create an inclusive and safe space that could not only celebrate and serve our communities, but also meet the most basic human need to belong and to feel at home, transported back in time to our aunties’, grandmas’ and mommies’ kitchens.
Combining our great loves for family, friendships, community, great food, music and creative arts builds confidence, love and pride in where we come from, our collective roots, our komvandaan, our heritage, all our stories put together.
Team DNA is in the business of keeping hope and happiness alive.
Dreams don't come true if you don't dala

“Just Dugal’ it”
Our late brother and business partner, Duke.
He dreamt big dreams and was gehard at making them come true.

Friends shared the following about Duke after he passed:
“Everything about Duke shouted Life”; “He was, without exaggeration, life-changing”; “His hugs could heal homesickness”; A stranger to Duke is just a friend he hasn’t met yet” and “That billion-dollar smile could light up a room”.
He was dydelik and genius, off the chart Mensa, anne levels.
His last WhatsApp status read “Move. Win. Never Stop.” This is his legacy and the mantra that keeps Team DNA and so many others across the world going and growing.
Because of the way he loved and lived, we don’t give up.

[die ou]

[die dikding]

Aweh! Ôs move’!
He goes by Chef Nate in some circles as outdoor cooking, a vuurtjie, hot coals and creating the ultimate braai and potjie gets him into the zone.
Nate comes from humble All Pay beginnings in the Flats. He can getyg and this ‘die hard’ attitude is what supercharges and fuels infinite and impossible DNA dreams that can and do come true.
A man of connections, vir alles, enigiets en a’mal. He’s the magnet and superglue that keeps everything and everyone super toight.

Raak wys.
She’s an avid foodie, linguist, writer, poet, strategist and workaholic. She leads, inspires and nurtures the wolf pack. She’s fearless and a rebel when it comes to most things.
Haibo! She eats a gebba, bunny chow and chicken wings with a knife and fork eksê, that takes some serious skill and guts. If it’s different, no hanna hanna and swims upstream, she’s game.
She’s gehard and gifted at pushing boundaries and rewriting the rules. She spots a glitch in the matrix miles away. She clearly took the red pill.

[sturvy partner]